

Worshiping as a family is an important faith formation experience for both parents and children, and children are welcomed at all three of our Sunday worship services.  If your child(ren) need more room to move around, something to do, or a break from the sanctuary, we have busy bags, a cry room, nursery, and welcome center with refreshements.

Sunday School

Sunday school for children is a fun and vibrant part of our ministry at Cross of Life! Our dedicated volunteers do a wonderful job of passing on our faith in caring and age-appropriate ways.  Children deepen their knowledge of the Bible and their faith, make valuable friendships with Christian friends, and get to know caring adults who support them in their faith formation. We begin Sunday school for Pre-K aged children.

Special and Seasonal Events

There are annual events that the whole congregation enjoys, like the Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School in June, and the Christmas Festival in December that is a popular event for all ages.

Cross of Life Montessori School

Cross of Life Montessori School is an integral part of the ministry of Cross of Life Lutheran Church. The purpose of the school is to provide Christian Montessori education in partnership with parents so that children may be nurtured in the word and will of God; and develop within themselves the foundational habits, attitudes, skills, appreciation and ideas that are essential for a lifetime of creative learning. See the school’s website for more information.